67Setup items USER IDEnter a user ID. Enter 4 to 14 alphanumeric charactersfor user ID. Up to 32 users can be registered. PasswordEnter a password. Enter 4 to 8 alphanumeric charactersfor a password.Note:Set a unique password, not something that would beeasily guessed by a third person. The password alsoshould be memorable. LevelSelect a user level from the following. Operable func-tions for each level can be set in the "User Level" menu( page 70).LV1/LV2/LV3/LV4 PriorityPerform the settings to assign priorities (1: highest, 16:lowest) to operate this unit in case two or more usersaccess this unit simultaneously. Default ScreenSelect a startup display to be displayed after login fromthe following.CAM1 - 16: Displays live images from the selected cam-era channel on a single screen.4A - 4D: Images of the camera group (4A - 4D) consist-ed in advance from 4 camera channels will be dis-played on a 4-Screen.The settings for 4-Screen can be configured on the"Monitor Display" page ("System" – "Basic Setup" –"Monitor Display" ( page 30).Registration of users who operates this unit and edit/delete the registered userinformation [User Setup]Register user information such as a user name and password.Screenshot 1Click the [User Mng.] button in the "Setup" panel andthen click the "User Setup" tab. The "User Setup" pagewill be displayed.Step 1Perform the settings for each item.Refer to the following for further information about thesettings for each item.Step 2Click the [Registration] button after completing the set-tings.Step 3Click the [SET] button to apply the settings.Important:It is necessary to click the [SET] button to apply thesettings after registering a user or after editing/delet-ing the user information.Note:Even when the [Registration] button is clicked, otherusers will not forcibly be logged out.