66Edit information of the registered administrator [Administrator Setup]It is possible to edit the registered administrator information such as the password, default screen, etc.Screenshot 1Click the [User Mng.] button in the "Setup" panel andthen click the "Administrator Setup" tab. The"Administrator Setup" page will be displayed.Step 1Perform the settings for each item.Refer to the following for further information about thesettings for each item.Step 2Click the [SET] button after completing the settings.Important:• The administrator information can be edited onlywhen logging in as the administrator.• When the unit is being operated without changingthe default administrator name and password, thepop-up window saying that it is recommended tochange the password will be displayed.Setup items Administrator NameIt is possible to edit the name of the administrator. Enter4 to 14 alphanumeric characters for administrator name. PasswordEnter a password. Enter 4 to 8 alphanumeric charactersfor administrator name.Note:To enhance the security, change the password foran administrator periodically. LevelDisplays the operational level of the user. The user levelof the administrators is "LV1" and it is impossible tochange it. PriorityDisplay the settings to assign priorities to operate thisunit in case two or more users access this unit simulta-neously.The priority of the administrators is "0" and it is impossi-ble to change it. Default ScreenSelect a startup display to be displayed after login fromthe following.CAM1 - 16: Displays live images from the selected cam-era channel on a single screen.4A - 4D: Images of the camera group (4A - 4D) consist-ed in advance from 4 camera channels will be dis-played on a 4-Screen.The settings for 4-Screen can be configured on the"Monitor Display" page ("System" – "Basic Setup" –"Monitor Display" ( page 30).SEQ: Images will be displayed in the sequential display.The operational settings of the sequential displaycan be performed on the "Sequence Setup" window("Camera" - "Sequence Setup"). Camera PartitioningDisplay a controllable range for each camera channel.The camera partitioning setting of the administrators is"View/Operate" and it is impossible to change it.View/Operate: Both displaying live/recorded imagesand controlling cameras are possible.