19q Indicates the start time and the end time of a down-load. (Refer to the operating instructions (PDF).)[Start] buttonSet the start time for the time and date of theimage to be downloaded.[End] buttonSet the end time for the time and date of theimage to be downloaded.w [GO TO DATE] buttonIndicates the time and date of a marked point. Usethis button to designate the desired time and date ofa recorded image to be played. (Refer to the operat-ing instructions (PDF).)e [GO TO LAST] buttonSkips to the latest recorded time of a recordedimage from the currently displayed camera channeland plays it.Playback point operation area[HDD] tab[REW] buttonFast reverse playback will be performed. Playbackspeed for fast reverse playback will be changed in thefollowing order each time this button is clicked:Step2 (Approx. 4x) → Step3 (Approx. 8x) →Step4 (Approx. 16x) → Step5 (Approx. 32x) →Step6 (Approx. 48x) → Step7 (Approx. 96x)[PREV RECORD] buttonSkips to the previous recorded image and plays it.[REV PLAY] buttonReverse playback of a recorded image will be per-formed.[PLAY] buttonPlayback of a recorded image will be performed.[NEXT RECORD] buttonSkips to the next recorded image and plays it.q w e[ERR]:Indicates an error occurrence. The error will bereset by clicking this button. (Refer to the operat-ing instructions (PDF).)Note:When "CONTINUE" is selected for "RecordingDuration" of "Emergency REC", the emergencyrecording currently being carried out can be stoppedby clicking the [ALM] button. When "MANUAL" isselected for "Recording Duration", the emergencyrecording will not stop by clicking the [ALM] button.