29• "Camera Auto Registration" is unavailable for cam-eras on a different subnet.• Depending on the camera model, the unit cannotdetect them for their security when 20 minutes havepassed after the power of the camera is turned on.Refer to the operating instructions of the camera forfurther information.• The image compression method of the registeredcamera will automatically be set to "JPEG" or "M-JPEG".• When selecting "Register the IP address automati-cally given by this unit to a detected camera", theunit will automatically find an unused IP address andset it to the detected camera. However, dependingon the network environment, the set IP address maybe already used for the other network device suchas when using the firewall function of Windows®.In this case, check the IP address setting and regis-ter the other IP address for the camera manually.• When "Register the IP address set with a detectedcamera" is selected and the DHCP setting of thedetected camera is "ON", the unit will automaticallyset the DHCP setting of the camera to "OFF" andgive a new IP address to the camera.• "Register the IP address automatically given by thisunit to a detected camera" is available only when"OFF" is set for the DHCP settings of the unit.• Before selecting "Register the IP address automati-cally given by this unit to a detected camera", set thesubnet of the network port to "".• When the IP address is registered to the camera,the HTTP port of the camera will automatically set to"80", and the same subnet and the gateway of theunit will be set to the camera.• When the same IP address is used for the othercamera, the IP address and the MAC address will bedisplayed in red on the "Camera Search Result" win-dow ( page 48). Make sure that the same IPaddress is used for two cameras or more.Important:When selecting "Register the IP address automati-cally given by this unit to a detected camera", theunit will give IP addresses to all of the detected cam-eras. Before selecting "Register the IP address auto-matically given by this unit to a detected camera",make sure that there is no camera that is to be usedwith the unique IP address. Program SetupThe program setting window will be displayed when the[View] button is clicked after selecting a program fromthe pull-down.Refer to page 40 for further information about the"Program Setup" window.