23Enables fine picture adjustment at a professional level.Notes:The adjustment values are memorized separately for each input terminal.The adjustment range values should be used as an adjustment reference.••ADVANCED SETTINGSPICTURE AdjustmentsCarry out “W/B” adjustment as follows.1. Adjust the white balance of the bright sections using the “W/B HIGH R” , “W/B HIGH G” and “W/B HIGH B” settings.2. Adjust the white balance of the dark sections using the “W/B LOW R” , “W/B LOW G” and “W/B LOW B” settings.3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to adjust.Steps 1 and 2 affect each other’s settings, so repeat each step in turn to make the adjustment.● BLACKEXTENSIONAdjusts the dark shades of the image in gradation.Less More● INPUT LEVEL Adjustment of parts which are extremely bright and hard to see.Less More● GAMMA Available setting values vary depending on “PICTURE MENU”settings and the type of input signal, as follows.Down UpPICTURE MENU S CURVE 1.0 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.6STANDARD – * 3 * 1DYNAMIC * 3 – * 1CINEMA – * 3 * 2MONITOR – * 3 –*1 When 2k1k signals are received with the Dual Link HD-SDI Terminal Board(TYFB11DHD), GAMMA “2.6” can also be selected.*2 When 60 Hz signals are received, GAMMA “2.5” can also be selected.*3 When 2k1k signals are received with the Dual Link HD-SDI Terminal Board(TY-FB11DHD), GAMMA “1.0” cannot be selected.● AGC Increases the brightness of dark signal automatically.OFF ON● “W/B” adjustmentLess More00W/B HIGH RW/B HIGH G0W/B HIGH B0W/B LOW R0W/B LOW G0W/B LOW BAdjusts the white balance for light red, lightgreen or light blue areas.Adjusts the white balance for dark red, darkgreen or dark blue areas.STANDARDADVANCED SETTINGSPICTURE MENU2505OFFNORMALPICTURENORMAL IZEBRIGHTNESSSHARPNESSCOLOR TEMPCOLOR MANAGEMENT0002.2OFFOFFOFFOFFINPUT LEVELBLACK EXTENSIONADVANCED SETTINGSNORMAL IZEGAMMAAGCW/B HIGH RW/B HIGH G0W/B HIGH B0W/B LOW R0W/B LOW G0W/B LOW B3:2 PULLDOWNSTUDIO GAINNOISE REDUCTION0