12513Initializing DVD-RAM Disc or Card (Format Disc. Format Card)1 Press the DISC NAVIGATION button.2 Press the MENU button.3 Choose “Format Disc” or “Format Card” on the“Disc” or “Card” menu screen, and then press theA button.The screen for verifying “Format Disc” or “FormatCard” will appear.4 Choose “YES”, and then press the A button.Choose “NO” to cancel initialization.When initializing one side of the disc is complete,the DVD Video Camera will return to recordingpause mode.Note :• Initialization will delete all the recorded contents on discor card. Be careful not to delete data by mistake.• Be sure to use the AC adaptor when initializing disc orcard so that the DVD Video Camera is not turned offmidway. If initialization is interrupted by power turning off,the disc or card will not be initialized correctly, or it may bedamaged.• It may not be possible to initialize a disc with manyscratches or dirt. Such a disc cannot be used.• If you use a brand-new DVD-R disc, message “Disc is notformatted” will appear. Initialize the disc, following thesubsequent messages (See page 47).• This DVD Video Camera may not recognize some discsor cards that have been initialized on PC or a device otherthan this DVD Video Camera.• If you attempt to initialize a disc or card in this DVD VideoCamera using a PC connected to the DVD Video Cameravia USB cable, the disc or card may not be initialized andmay be unusable on this DVD Video Camera.Before You Begin• Take great care that power is not turned off during initialization. If the DVDVideo Camera is turned off during initialization and the initialization isinterrupted, incorrect initialization will result, and at worst, the datarecorded on disc or card before initialization was interrupted may bedamaged.ENTERAll data will be deleted.Format the disc now?Format DiscYES NOENTERAll data will be deleted.Format the card now?Format CardYES NO(When using card)(When usingDVD-RAM disc)