5213Recording StillsNote :Recording of still images is possible on DVD-RAM disc andcard.1 Turn the DVD Video Camera on.When using DVD-RAM disc:Set the power switch to “ ”.When using card:Set the power switch to “ ”.After the ACCESS indicator goes out, performthe subsequent operations:2 Check the subject on the screen (viewfinder orLCD).3 Press the photo shot button halfway down (halfpress).The DVD Video Camera automatically focuseson the subject at the center of screen (when autofocus is selected).When the image is in focus, “m” is displayed inpink.4 Press the photo shot button all the way down (fullpress).The screen will turn black, and then the recordedstill will be displayed. When the “m” markappears, you can proceed with the nextrecording; while “DISC ACCESS” or “CARDACCESS” is being displayed, you cannotproceed with the next recording.5 Set the power switch to “OFF” to turn the DVDVideo Camera off.Turn power off only after message “DISCACCESS” disappears.Note :• See “Size and Quality of Photos” on page 33 for detailsabout photos on card.• See “Check 2” on page 149 if recording photos is notpossible.• Do not operate the power switch or remove the card whilethe ACCESS/PC or CARD ACCESS indicator is lit orblinking. Doing so may damage the card or the data oncard.• With VDR-M75PP and VDR-M95PP, the range of screenin which recording is possible will be different for movieand still.• The DVD Video Camera automatically sets the shutterspeed between 1/800 and 1/30 second (between 1/800and 1/10 second if Program AE has been set to LowLight) depending on subject brightness.• If focusing is difficult, use the manual focus function(p.64).ACCESS/PCindicatorPhoto shot buttonCARD ACCESSindicator