29The Wide Plasma Display(SERIAL terminal) RS-232C Conversion cable ComputerDetails 2.5mm dia.3-pin female2.5mm dia.3-pin maleD-sub 9-pinfemale DetailsTXD A A $ RXDRXD B B % TXDGND C C ( GNDShorted &)Shorted *+NC # • -Communication parametersSignal level RS-232C compliantSynchronisation method AsynchronousBaud rate 9600 bpsParity NoneCharacter length 8 bitsStop bit 1 bitX parameter NoneS parameter NoneSERIAL terminalThe SERIAL terminal conforms to the RS-232C interface specification, so that the Wide Plasma Display can becontrolled by a computer which is connected to this terminal.You can control the Wide Plasma Display with a computer by using the TY-SCP02RS1E (optional accessory).The computer will require software which allows the sending and receiving of control data which satisfies the conditionsgiven below. Use a computer application such as a programming language to create the software. Refer to thedocumentation for the computer application for details.Pin layout and signal namesSERIALREMOTE789 612345TXD ARXD BGND C AB CSERIAL terminal(2.5 mm 3-pin female)RS-232C Conversion cable(2.5 mm 3-pin male)Pin Layout for RS-232C Conversioncable (D-sub 9-pin female)Basic format for control dataThe transmission of control data from the computer startswith an STX signal, followed by the command, theparameters, and lastly an ETX signal in that order. If thereare no parameters, then the parameter signal does notneed to be sent.Note:(1) If multiple commands are transmitted, be sure to waitfor the response for the first command to come fromthis unit before sending the next command.(2) If an incorrect command is sent by mistake, this unit willsend an “ER401” command back to the computer.CommandSTX ETXC1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5:Start(02h)End(03h)3-charactercommand (3 bytes)Parameter(s)(1 - 5 bytes)ColonCommand Parameter Control detailsPON None Power ONPOF None Power OFFAUU None Volume increaseAUD None Volume decreaseAMT None Mute (toggle)IIS NoneVIDYP1RG1Input select (toggle)AV ModeComponent/RGB mode(processed as a Y/P B/PR orRGB signal as set by this unit)PC modeDAM NoneNORMZOOMFULLJUSTSELFScreen mode select (toggle)4:3Zoom116:9JustPanasonic Auto