14English15Place the ingredients in the bread pan Set the program and start Remove the breadKneading bladeRemove the bread pan and1 set the kneading blade Twist the bread pan round. Remove the bread pan. Place the kneadingblade firmly into the shaft.Check around the shaftand inside the kneadingblade and ensure thatthey are clean. (P.31)• When baking rye bread, use thespecified kneading blade.(SD-2501 only)• The kneading blade fits loosely into place, but it musttouch the bottom of the bread pan.Place the measured ingredients2 in the bread pan Place the dry yeast at thebottom(so that it does not touch theliquid later). Cover the yeast with all the dryingredients (flour, sugar, salt,etc.).• Flour must be weighed onscales. Pour in the water and any otherliquids. Wipe off any moisture and flourfrom the outside of the breadpan. Place the bread pan insidethe Bread Maker by turning itslightly from right to left. Foldthe handle down. Close the lid.• Don’t open the lid until breadis complete (affects breadquality).Plug the Bread Maker3 into a 230 V socketSelect a bake menu4 (The display shows when menu ‘01’ is selected.) See P. 12 for menu, availability of size and crust. To change the size To change the crust colour To set the timere.g. It is 9:00 PM now, and you want the bread to be ready at 6:30 the nextmorning. Set the timer to ‘9:30’ (9 hours 30 minutes from now).12963129639hr 30minfrom nowCurrent time Ready time• Pressing the pad once will advance the timer by 10 minutes (hold toadvance more quickly).Press ‘Start’5 Estimated time until the selected program is complete When ‘Start’ was pressed at first, menu 01 will start.Turn off the power6 when the bread is ready(machine beeps 8 times and the bar at‘End’ flashes.)Remove the bread7 immediately,Bread panOven gloveallow to cool, for example, on a wire rackUnplug (holding the8 plug) after use If you do not press ‘stop’ and remove thebread from the unit to cool it, the BreadMaker will proceed to keep warm toreduce condensation of steam within theloaf. However, this will accelerate thebrowning of the crust, therefore, uponcompletion of baking, switch off the unit,remove the bread immediately from theunit to cool it. If you leave the bread to cool down inthe breadpan, it will cause condensation.Therefore, cool on a wire rack to ensureoptimum quality of the loaf.Baking bread with added ingredients (P. 16)(SD-2501 only)Clean and drybeforehand Open the dispenser lid. Place the ingredients. Close the lid.Baking Bread Turn to P. 23–24for bread recipes