INTEGRATING THE VPS WITH PANASONIC KX-T PHONE SYSTEMSInstallation Manual 493.3.2 KX-T123211D Software Verification and Programming forInband Integration1. Check the software version of the KX-T123211D by using System Program [98], whichshows the software version number:Y201Z940430(TM3)The underlined digits represent the software production date code (format YYMMDD). Inthis example, the date code is April 30, 1994 (year, month, day). For this software version,the software production date of the PBX must be April 30, 1994, or later.If the software production date of the PBX is earlier than 4/30/94, call National PartsCenter (1-800-833-9626) to order a software upgrade.2. Enable System Program [80] for each extension connected to the VPS.This parameter is used to tell the KX-T123211D which extensions are connected to theVPS. Ports with this parameter enabled can receive Follow-on ID and DTMF call statussignaling (busy, answered, disconnect, etc.) if the Voice Mail integration and DTMFintegration features are also enabled.3. Enable System Program [81] to turn on DTMF Integration. On extensions with the VoiceMail port parameter enabled, the KX-T123211D can send codes (touchtones) to indicatecall states; this increases VPS efficiency. Codes apply to all transferred calls; outside callsonly indicate disconnect (provided the KX-T123211D is programmed for CPC detectionand the Central Office sends the CPC signal). Refer to the Table 10 in the Section3.2.4 PBX Interface Parameters.Call WaitingSequence* N/A 1 N/A N/A 1 1 1 1ReleaseSequence forCall Waiting* N/A F N/A N/A F F F F* Check with manufacturer.N/A Not Available(A) Adding "A" for "answer" to the operator and extension transfer eliminates the message:"You have a call" when the AA transfers a call. The VPS disconnects after line isanswered. Adding "D" for "disconnect" creates a blind transfer.Table 12PBX Type OtherManufac-turersT308/T616T1232 T96 T336 TD816/TD1232/TA1232TD308 TAseriesTD500