VOICE PROCESSING SYSTEM OVERVIEWInstallation Manual 231.4 DIGITAL INTEGRATION1.4.1 GeneralThere are 2 types of Digital Integration: APT Integration and DPT Integration.APT Integration is available when the VPS is connected to a KX-TA624. DPT Integration isavailable when the VPS is connected to a KX-TD or KX-TA1232 digital PBX.1.4.2 APT IntegrationTo the Panasonic KX-TA624, the VPS ports look like proprietary telephones. The PBX thinksthat the VPS is a proprietary telephone, and the VPS mimics all actions of a proprietarytelephone. Communication between the VPS and the PBX through digital integration requiresthe proper software level in the PBX and 4-wire connections for each port. To communicatebetween the VPS and the PBX through APT Integration, the PBX and VPS must beprogrammed to work together.1.4.3 Connection Example—APT IntegrationFor example, you can connect jack 7 of the KX-TA624 to Port 1 of the VPS with a 4-wireconnection (see diagram below). This connection creates 1 Voice Mail extension and can onlyanswer 1 call. This means that a fully-configured 2-port system requires 2 jacks from the PBX.When APT Integration is activated, a single extension jack provides 1 single-line interface ata Port on the VPS. For example, when 1 line cord (4 wire) is connected to Port 1 on the VPS,1 extension is provided.VPSPort 1Extension 10778KX-TA624Port 2Extension 108