INTEGRATING THE VPS WITH THE PANASONIC KX-TD DIGITAL PBX90 Installation Manual4.3.2 KX-TD1232 Software Verification and Programming for DPTIntegration via the Operating and Maintenance ToolFollow these steps after communication between the KX-TD1232 and the programmingsoftware has been established. Refer to the Operating and Maintenance manual forconnection information.1. Check the software version.a) Go to the Main Menu. Press the ALT key and the letter [V] at the same time.b) Verify the Operating and Maintenance version being used.This version must be 3.60X or higher to program the KX-TD1232 for DPTIntegration.NoteIf you have an older version of the maintenance tool but have the correct ROMversion in the system, you may still program the KX-TD1232 but you must programusing the Manager's Extension.c) Verify the ROM version of the KX-TD1232.Example: P231UYMMDDBThis version must be at least version P231U or higher for DPT Integration to be utilised(both systems if system connection is being used).(For KX-TD816, the version must be at least version P301O or higher for DPTIntegration to be utilised.)The required programming is complete and the VPS and KX-TD1232 should be able tocommunicate through DPT Integration.We recommend that the KX-TD1232 system has any optional extension cards installed andtelephones connected before starting the VPS.When running the Quick Setup command (Section 5 CUSTOMISING THE SYSTEM) fromthe VPS, the PBX transmits the station information automatically. This saves time whenprogramming the VPS.Sample display: DB data (PC): EmptyVersion:3.60X