CUSTOMISING THE SYSTEM132 Installation Manual5.5 SETTING MAILBOXES5.5.1 Mailbox Setting MenuAccess the Mailbox Setting Menu through the following sequence:System Administration Top Menu:5.5.2 Entering a MailboxFrom Mailbox Setting Menu:Enter the data using the following table as a guide.Table 23Description Value Range(Default) Description/FunctionThe Extensionof the Owner2-5 Digits(None)Sets the extension to be used in conjunction with themailbox. Any valid number can be assigned.Owner FirstNameUp to 16alphabeticcharacters(None)The Dial by Name feature uses the last name. Both willbe printed on mailbox report.Owner LastNameClass ofService No.COS No.1-62(1)Defines a set of services available to each subscriber. TheClass of Services 63 and 64 are fixed to the Message andSystem Managers. Most subscribers can be placed in thesame COS. Anyone who needs unclaimed messagesforwarded to a cell phone, beeper or another mailboxwould need to be in a separate COS.Enter The Number: = 1 (Program)Enter The Number: = 1 (Mailbox Setting)Program - Mailbox Setting Menu1. Enter/Edit2. Delete3. Password Reset4. Mailbox ListingEnter The Number : = 1Enter the Mailbox number: =Program - Mailbox Setting - Enter/Edit Menu1. Mailbox Setting2. Notification Setting3. Remote Call FWD to COEnter The Number : = 1