2.11 [4] Extension592 PC Programming Manual2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed DialPersonal Speed Dialling allows extension users to dial frequently dialled numbers using two-digitspeed dialling numbers (00–99). A maximum of 10 Personal Speed Dialling numbers can beprogrammed for each extension, or 100 when an MEC (KX-TDA30/KX-TDA100/KX-TDA200) orEMEC (KX-TDA600) card is installed. Select the desired extension from the Extension Number /Name list.If an MEC/EMEC card is installed, the available speed dialling numbers are shown in sets of 20.Select the desired set from the Personal Speed Dialling No. list.Speed Dialling NameSpecifies the name of the Personal Speed Dialling number to call using the Personal Speed DiallingDirectory shown on the extension's display.Value RangeMax. 20 charactersMaintenance Console Location2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed DialProgramming Manual ReferencesNoneFeature Guide References1.6.1.5 Speed Dialling—Personal/SystemDialling NumberSpecifies the number to be dialled by the Personal Speed Dialling number.Value RangeMax. 32 digits (consisting of 0–9, *, #, T [Transfer], [ ] [Secret], P [Pause], and F [Flash])Maintenance Console Location2.11.4 [4-1-3] Wired Extension—Speed DialProgramming Manual ReferencesNoneFeature Guide References1.6.1.5 Speed Dialling—Personal/System