4.4 Special Display Features4-192 DPT FeaturesThird DisplayE X T F E A TS T AW E D J A N 0 1 0 3 : 0 0 PA B S T M S G O f fA B S T M S G O n 1 - 9M E N U S E L→B S Y O v r D N Y 1 / 0C . P i c k u p C OM E N U S E L→Fifth DisplayFeature AccessB S Y O v r D N Y 1 / 0If a parameter is required,the feature name andparameter will flash.If a parameter is required,the feature name andparameter will flash.Enter a parameter,if required.Third DisplayEXT FEATSTAWED JAN01 03:00PExtension STA SpeedFeatures SYS SpeedCall LogNEXTMENUBusy Ovrd Deny (→1/0)C.Pickup COC.Pickup Deny (→1/0)C.Pickup Direct (→ext)C.Pickup GroupMENU SEL→NEXTMENUTimed ReminderWalking COS(→code+ext)Absent MSG OffAbsent MSG On (→1-9)Busy Ovrd Deny (→1/0)MENU SEL→Enter a parameter,if required.If a parameter is required,the parameter will flash.Enter a parameter,if required.→System Feature Access MenuYou can access the features which are displayed in alphabetical order.To access the features, you may shift the display to the Jog Dial Operation display bypressing the MODE or SHIFT button first. Then follow the procedures below.To access the features while receiving a call (e.g. ringing, being paged), press theINTERCOM button first. Then follow the procedures below.n KX-T7431 n KX-T7433 n KX-T7436