7-14 Appendix7 AppendixProblemNothing is heard in thehandsfree mode.The unit does not ring.The display flashes thefollowing message:Probable CauseThe “Headset” mode isselected.• The outside line numberis not programmed.• The Ringer Volume is setto “OFF”.The system internal clockdoes not work properly.Possible SolutionWhen the headset is not used,set the mode to “Handset”.Refer to “Handset/HeadsetSelection” in StationProgramming (Section 2), or“Initial Setting” (Section 1.1).• For programming outside linenumbers, please consult withyour dealer.• Increase the Ringer Volume.Refer to “Initial Setting”(Section 1.1).Consult with an authorizedPanasonic Factory ServiceCenter.Set Time & DateWED JAN01 12:00AIf a power failure should occur...Your system enables conversations between specific outside lines and extensions (PowerFailure Transfer), and supports system data backup.Power Failure TransferSpecific extensions are automatically connected directly to specific outside lines. Thisprovides outside line conversations between the following extensions and outside lines:Outside line 1 is connected to extension jack number 1.• All other conversations are disconnected during a power failure.• Digital proprietary telephones (DPT) cannot be used during a power failure. Standardtelephones can work in the event of a power failure. Connect them to the above jacks.• When power is restored after a power failure, your system automatically restartsoperation, maintaining as much of the previous system data as possible.Troubleshooting