DPT Features 4-494.2 DPT Features CConferenceDuring a two-party conversation, you can add a third party to make a three-partyconference. The members of a conference on a line may be three extensions, oneextension and two outside lines, or two extensions and one outside line.To establish a conferenceDuring a two-party conversation;1. Press the CONF button.• The current party is placed on hold.• The CONF indicator light flashes red slowly.2. Dial the phone number of the third party.• You must dial the line access code (9 or 81 through 83) asthe leading digit, when calling an outside party.3. Press the CONF button after the third party answers.• You hear a confirmation tone (optional).• The CONF indicator light turns steady red.• The corresponding CO or INTERCOM indicator light turnsgreen.To leave the conference1. Hang up or press the SP-PHONE button.• The other two parties may continue their conversation.• If the other two parties are both outside lines, they will bedisconnected.To terminate one party and talk to the other1. Press the CO or INTERCOM button of the party to remainconnected.• You hear a confirmation tone (optional).• A conversation with the desired party is established and theother party is disconnected.123CONFphone number1CONF1CO INTERCOMor