Multi-unit Operation50 Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333Note:L If handset 2 (the receiver) did not preparefor copying, “Copy Failure” will bedisplayed on handset 1 (the sender).L If phonebook memory is full on handset 2(the receiver), “Copy Incomplete” willbe displayed on handset 1 (the sender).Transferring callsbetween handsets,conference callsOutside calls can be transferred between 2handsets in the same radio cell. 2 handsetsin the same radio cell can have a conferencecall with an outside party.Example: When handset 1 transfers a callto handset 21 Handset 1:During an outside call, press {INT} and{2} (desired handset number).L If there is no answer, press {INT} toreturn to the outside call.2 Handset 2:Press {C} or {s} to answer the page.L Handset 2 can talk with handset 1.L The outside call will be put on hold.3 Handset 1:To complete the call transfer, press{ih}.To establish a conference call, press{3}.Transferring a call without speaking tothe other handset user1 During an outside call, press {INT}, thenpress the desired handset number.L The other handset rings if it is withinrange of the base unit and turned on.2 Press {ih}.L The outside call rings at the otherhandset.Note:L k flashes to indicate the outside call is onhold.L If the other handset user does not answerthe call within 1 minute, the call will ring atyour handset again.