Optional Telephone Services34 Helpline Tel. No.: U.K. 08700 100 076 R.O.I. 01289 8333Caller ID serviceImportant:L This unit is Caller ID compatible. To useCaller ID features (such as displayingcaller phone numbers), you mustsubscribe to Caller ID service. Consultyour service provider for details.Caller ID featuresWhen an outside call is received, the caller’sphone number can be displayed.L Phone numbers of the last 50 callers willbe logged in the Caller ID list.L While listening to a message recorded bythe answering system, you can call backthe caller without having to dial the phonenumber (KX-TCD580 only).L When Caller ID information is receivedand it matches a phone number stored inthe unit’s phonebook:– The stored name will be displayed andlogged in the Caller ID list.– The handset will use the ringer indicatorcolour and pattern assigned to thecaller’s category.– The handset will announce the audiblecall recording you made (KX-TCD580only).L If the unit is connected to a PBX system,you may not receive the caller information.L When the caller dialled from an areawhich does not provide Caller ID service,“Out of Area” will be displayed.L When the caller requested not to sendcaller information, either no information or“Private Caller” will be displayed.Missed callsIf a call is not answered, the unit treats thecall as a missed call. q and the number ofmissed calls are shown on the display. Thislets you know if you should view the CallerID list to see who called while you were out.Private categoryPrivate categories can help you identify whois calling by using different ringer indicatorcolours and ringer types for differentcategories of callers.You can assign entries in the handsetphonebook to a category (page 16), changethe category names (“Friends”, “Family”,etc., page 27), and search for phonebookentries by category (page 17). When a call isreceived from a caller assigned to acategory, the ringer indicator colour (page27) and ringer type (page 26) you select isused.Visual call waiting (Call Waiting ID)serviceThis is a service of your service provider andwill only operate if you have subscribed tothis service. When you hear a call waitingtone during a conversation, the display willshow the second caller’s information. Youcan answer the second call, keeping the firstcall on hold. Please consult your serviceprovider for details of this service.Audible call (KX-TCD580 only)Audible call allows you to know who iscalling without looking at the display. If yourecord an audible call announcement for abase unit phonebook entry (page 20), theaudible call recording will be announcedwhen you receive a call from that person.Note:L If the ringer volume is turned off, audiblecall announcements will not be heard.Viewing the Caller ID list andcalling backPhone numbers of the last 50 differentcallers will be logged in the Caller ID list. Youcan use this list to return missed calls.1 Press $ (centre of joystick).2 Select £, then press ,.