6-4 Troubleshooting6.3 While OperatingPROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONWhen using thespeakerphone with aproprietary telephone,KX-T7130, nothing isheard.The unit does not ring.During a power failure,the extension connectedto port number 01 or 09does not operate.Making an outside callcannot be performed.A tone type single linetelephone (SLT) usercannot make a call.The HANDSET/HEADSETselector on the KX-T7130is set to the “HEADSET”position.The Ringer VolumeSelector is set to “OFF”.A proprietary telephone isconnected to the port.The corresponding line keydoes not exist on theproprietary telephone.There may be somethingwrong with a DTMFreceiver.Set the HANDSET/HEADSET selectorto the “HANDSET” position.Set to “HIGH” or “LOW”.Disconnect the proprietary telephoneand connect a single line telephone.Program the line key. See the FlexibleButton Assignment.(+ Operating Instructions,1.2 Proprietary Telephone Settings,“Customising the Buttons on YourTelephone”)1. Select “Enable” for DTMF receiver 1and “Disable” for DTMF receiver 2 inprogram [107].2. Make a call using a tone type SLTconnected to one of extension ports01–08.3. If you cannot make the call, theproblem may have been caused byDTMF receiver 1. If the call can bemade, go to step 4.4. Try DTMF receiver 2. Select“Disable” for DTMF receiver 1 and“Enable” for DTMF receiver 2 inprogram [107], and make another call.If you cannot make the call, theproblem may have been caused byDTMF receiver 2. If the call can bemade, go to step 5.5. Check the other 4 DTMF receivers inthe same way. Refer to program[107].