TWtVlDEO--Press the TV/VlDEO button to select desired inputfor Main Picture or PIP frame (when PIP frame is displayed).Signal Connected to:FRONT VIDEO/AUDIO INPUT 3 JACKSREARVIDEO/AUDIOINPUT 2 JACKS _1"1REARVIDEO/AUDIOINPUT 1 JACKSAIR or CABLE _1Main Picture_-i VIDEO 3VIDEO 2V'°E°'I 1__1Signal Connected to:FRONTVIDEO/AUDIO INPUT 3 JACKS =! PIP: V3REARV,DEO/AUD'O'NPUT2JACKS--'1 = P,PV2[--IREARV DEO/AUD O r " -- "-'INPUT 1 JACKS "t-I PIP: Vl L-._ _l-JAIRorCABLE fi PIP:02 h_.J/ PIPFrameRECALL--Press the RECALL button to review:• Audio Mode status• Audio Broadcast status• CH number or Video Input selected• ON/OFF Timer (when set)• Clock time• Channel Caption (Station Identifier)Audio selectedtCHANNEL_ I IICAPTION _ NEWS STEREO 31 I _ ChannelRECALL ST/SA <1_ Audio Broadcast(_ ON 7:00AM I _I-_ ON TIMEROFF 11:15PM I OFF TIMER10:15 ] _TIMERR--TUNE (RAPID TUNE)--Press the R-TUNE (RAPIDTUNE) button to instantly switch between the last two channelsselected (On Screen display is activated).R-TUNECHANNEL NOW _ CHANNEL TUNEDBEING VIEWED IMMEDIATELY BEFORE03 _//_ Press Button Again%-tb. .,-14-MULTI BUTTONThe MULTI button can be programmed to operate up to 6 Remotefunction buttons at the same time.For Example: TV Power/ON, VCR Power/ON (selected brands)can be operated at the same time with one press of the MULTIbutton.PROCEDURE1. First program the Remote for the selected VCR Infra-redaccess code. Confirm that the Remote Control is compatiblewith the equipment.2, Face the Remote Control transmitter away from all equipmentremote sensors.3. Press the Remote TV POWER button and the MULTI buttonsimultaneously, (All previous commands are erased.)(TV)POWER MULTIPRESS SIMULTANEOUSLY4. Press a maximum of 6 Function buttons on the Remote.Each button you press is equal to one function. If six Remotebutton functions are entered, all will register in the MULTIbutton memory in the sequence entered. When less than sixRemote button functions are entered, press the MULTI buttonto end the program mode. (Waiting more than 30 secondswithout pressing another button will also end the programmode.)The following is an example of Remote functions that can beprogrammed into the MULTI button.-- TV Power - For turning TV ON and OFF.-- VCR Power - For turning VCR ON and OFF (selected brandsafter programming it's Infra-red access code, if necessary).Both can be turned ON or OFF with one press of the MULTIbutton.frv)POWER VCRPOWER MULTITo delete entered functions - Press the Remote TV POWERand MULTI buttons simultaneously. Now you can enter fromone to six different Remote functions.(TV)POWER MULTIPRESS SIMULTANEOUSLYNOTE: You can also program the MULTI button to perform mostindividual Remote Control button functions. Buttons whichcontinuously perform a function as long as pressed(VOLUME UP/DOWN, CHANNEL UP/DOWN, ETC.)cannot be programmed. Only those buttons which performa function when initially pressed (POWER ON/OFF, MUTE,DIRECTCHANNELENTRY,ETC.)O TfltJ##[Ogfgillfll##,I