Using Play List: Simplified Voice-Over 97Using Play ListThe voice-over appears in the play list screen as shown below.1) Play List• The voice-over is added to the line after an event with anaudio start point.• The “No.” column shows “EX*,” not an event number.• The “SLOT” column shows P2 card slot numbers storingaudio data (same as P2 card slots storing the play list).2) Timeline• Extended tracks are indicated in the “EXTRA” part.• Recorded channel numbers are also shown.◆ NOTE:• Use the TRIM button to zoom in (+) and zoom out (–).• When a card with a voice-over is not inserted (and NONE isindicated), play list files cannot be saved and EXTRA audioevent cannot be deleted.This function allows you to adjust the location of a voice-overin frame increments (at 24PN in 4-frame increments).1 Open the play list screen.2 Select the event you want to change.3 Use the following procedure to change offset andduration.4 Press the ENTRY button to finalize the change.◆ NOTE:• Except for the ENTRY button, you can also use the SET buttonor move the cursor with the cursor buttons to finalize a change.Displaying Voice-Over EventsChanging the Trimming of AudioRecording Location1)2)2 341Change ofstartlocation:Hold down the IN button and press theTRIM+ button or the TRIM– button. Thestart location is incremented ordecremented in frame increments (in 4-frame increments at 24PN).Change ofendlocation:Hold down the OUT button and press theTRIM+ button or the TRIM– button. TheOUT point is incremented or decrementedin frame increments (in 4-frameincrements at 24PN).A normal eventEXTRAaudio trackEXTRAaudio trackEXTRAaudio trackChange of OUT+ TRIM durationChange of IN + TRIM audio start location