Using USB Connectors and SD/SDHC Memory Cards: Using This Unit With a Hard Disk 105Using USB Connectors and SD/SDHC Memory CardsUsing This Unit With a Hard DiskThis unit supports the following hard disks types.• Panasonic portable hard disk unit P2 store (AJ-PCS060G)• A hard disk that supports the USB 2.0 interfaceAvailable functions depend on the type of hard disk used. Inthe host mode, “PARTITION:” in the left half of the Explorerscreen provides information on the hard disk that isconnected to the unit.◆ NOTE:• This unit supports USB bus power (5 V, 0.5 A) but some hard disksmay not be able to use USB bus power. Use a separate powersupply with hard disks that do not support USB bus power.• This unit does not support hard disks that are 2 TB (2048 GB) orlarger.◆ NOTE:• Use hard disks under the following conditions.1) Operate hard disks within its operating specifications(temperature, etc.).2) Do not use hard disks in locations that are unstable or exposed tovibration.• Some hard disks may not operate normally.• Use a hard disk with sufficient space for copying.• Do not connect a hard disk to hubs or other connections that involvemultiple units even if it is not powered on. Do not use other devicesthat are connected via hubs with a hard disk.• During formatting and copying, do not disconnect cables, do notremove a P2 card that is involved in any of these activities and donot power off this unit and the hard disk. Otherwise this unit and thehard disk must be rebooted.• A hard disk is a precision instrument whose read and write functionsmay fail in some operating environments.Please note that Panasonic accepts no liability whatsoever for dataloss or other losses either direct or indirect arising from hard diskdamage or other defects.• When data from this unit is copied to a hard disk and is managed onanother PC, the data can no longer be guaranteed to work in this unitand the integrity of the hard disk data cannot be guaranteed, either.• Repair bad clips on P2 cards before copying them to a hard disk.• Clips on hard disks cannot be played back.• SATA (serial ATA) or PATA (parallel ATA) interface hard disksconnected using a USB cable may not be recognized.Supported Hard DisksHard Disk Types and Available FunctionsHard disk type Features available functionsTYPE S A special format that permits high-speed loading ofand writing in card units. This unit uses this format forformatting.Loading and writing in card units, thumbnail display,loading and formatting in clop units.P2STORE This is a P2 store (AJ-PCS060G). It cannot be writtento.Loading in card units, thumbnail display, loading inclip units.FAT The basic primary partition on a PC is FAT 16 or FAT32 that require a CONTENTS directory created in itsfoot directory.Thumbnail display, loading in clip units, formatting* After formatting on this unit, the card is handled as a“TYPE S” hard disk.OTHER Hard disk other than those above* If root does not contain a directory called“CONTENTS” or if a file system other than NTFS,FAT16 or FAT32 is used.Formatting* After formatting on this unit, the card is handled as a“TYPE S” hard disk.