38 Introduction: ConnectionsConnectionsWhen playing back a card recorded at a frame rate of 24 fps(25 fps), the unit is capable of converting the output to 1080/24 PsF (1080/25 PsF or 1080/50i) for recording on an AJ-HD3700 series.Shown in the figure below is an example of deck-to-deckconnections. Input the following reference signals as REF input.◆ NOTE:• Synchronization with REF input at start of playback in 23.98/24 Hzmode may distort the first number of frames and mute sound output.Note that movement in HD SD video output at speeds other than 1xmay look unnatural.• In 23.98 Hz mode, the composite monitor video signal output by theANALOG COMPOSITE MONITOR OUT connector does not includeVITC signals.• For details on compatible input and output formats, refer to “List ofCompatible Input and Output Formats” (page 147).• In 23.98/24/29.97/25 Hz mode, the TIME CODE OUT connectordoes not output a time code and a time code cannot be input to theTIME CODE IN connector.• In 23.98/24 Hz mode, HD SDI output is delayed by approximately 2frames relative to analog VIDEO output.• In 23.98/24 Hz mode, the analog video signals are not output.• Composite monitor video is not output in 24 Hz mode.These connections make it possible to send commands viathe remote control connector to enable remote control ofexternal devices.Shown in the figure below is an example of deck-to-deckconnections.Set the CONTROL switch on the front panel of the externaldevice to REMOTE.Set the CONTROL switch on the front panel of this unit to LOCAL.Example of connections in 23.98/24/29.97/25 Hz modeCH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4CH 1 CH 2 CH 3 CH 4 CH 5CUE L ROUT~ AC INSIGNALGNDINPUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSHPUSHOUTPUT HCHCHCHCINPUT HCHCHCHCHDHDREMOTEIN75ONOFF1 2 3(SUPER)(SUPER)IN IN OUTHD SDISD SDIWFMVIDEO OUTREF INOIDUALATIGIDTUOFER1OUT1OUT2 OUT2OUT3MONITORMONITOR(SUPER)SPAREACTIVETHROUGHREMOTEOUT REMOTEIN/OUTCONTROLPANELV/ACONTROL RS-232CPARALLELIN/OUT(50P)SDSDSD75ONOFFFUSE125V 5AAUDIO OUTAUDIO INMONITORTIME CODEACTIVETHROUGHAJ-HPM110(source rear panel)Reference signal23.98 Hz mode: HD REF 47.95 Hz (interlace)24 Hz mode: HD REF 48 Hz (interlace)25 Hz (HD)/50 Hz (HD) mode: HD REF 50 Hz (interlace) or SD REF 50 Hz (interlace)29.97 Hz mode: HD REF 59.94 Hz (interlace) or SD REF 59.94 Hz (interlace)HD SDI signal75 Ωtermination OFFREMOTE IN/OUTRemotesignal (9P)Video monitorHDREFsignalSDREFsignalHD REF IN SD REF INREMOTEIN/OUTHD SDI IN75 Ωtermination ON75 ΩterminationONAJ-HD3700B(recorder rearpanel)HD SDI OUTExample of connections for remotecontrolENCODERREMOTEHD/SDIINOUT1OUT2SD/SDIDVCPRO/DVMONITORLCH1 CH2RAUDIO OUT OUTINTC HD/SD REF INAUDIO INCH1 CH2VIDEO OUTY12P BP RAUDIOMONOUT(SUPER)LRDC OUTFUSE 250V T2.5AHF1AC INDC INREMOTEPUSH PUSHPUSH PUSH12V 250mASIGNALGNDAudio and video input signalsRemote(recorder rearpanel)AJ-HPM110AJ-HD1400, etc.(source rear panel)