UNLOCKEMERG.RESET/STOP ALARMTALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWERUNLOCKRESET/STOP ALARMEMERG.TALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWER OPENNot Home Alarm LockNOTHOMEGas GAS SET85Activating the Emergency AlarmUse the system after confirming that each device is properly installed.NoteIf the Emergency button or an expanded Emergency button is pressedHow to restore the emergency button on the base unitPressand RestoreRemove the cover.Pull back the button.Back of the coverProtection boardPush the pressed button again.Or pull the drawstring again.123CoverButton12How to restore an expanded Emergency buttonIn case of WTF4510WHandset of the door phoneAlarm indicator lampFlashing in redAlarm soundingThe Emergencybutton flashingin redHow to stop the alarm messageMeasures taken when alarm is soundingNoteEMERG.MENU buttonWhen the Emergency button or an expandedEmergency button is pressed, the base unitand the cordless handset of the door phonereport the state of emergency.(pee-paw, pee-paw, pee-paw)Emergency.The emergency indication will turn off afterapproximately 3 minute and the periphery ofthe MENU button will flash in red.If the pressed emergency button is restored,the alarm message automatically stops, andthe periphery of the MENU button and thealarm indicator lamp on the handset of thedoor phone will turn off.The Emergency button, the periphery of theMENU button and the alarm indicator lampwill keep flashing until the pressedemergency button is restored.It is also possible to turn off the emergencyindication within 3 minutes. ( Page 75)If the expanded emergency button ispressed, the emergency button on the baseunit will not flash.Press the Alarm Stop button. (It is alsopossible to stop the alarm sound from themanager room.)Check the details on thealarm and take necessarymeasures such asnotifying neighborsof the alarm.It is also possible to disable the alarmmessage playback. (the alarm will stillappear on the display.)It is possible to delay the report to themanager room and the handset of the doorphone for 30 seconds.Consult with the company that installed thesystem or the administrating company.InstallerSetting3 Set the protection board backto the original position andplace it inside the main unit.Open the Emergency button and restorethe protection board.Press the Emergency button again.The Emergency button will turn off.INTRODUCTION USUAL USAGE SETTING ACCORDING TOYOUR PREFERENCESOPERATIONS AND MEASURESWHEN AN ALARM GOES OFF OTHERRECORDMANAGEMENTSECURITY ALARM SETTINGAND DISARMINGEMERG.Alarm Stopbutton