Calling screenTouch to set the status to confirmed.The "Message" will disappear from thenotice screen and the blue flashing on theperiphery of the MENU button turns off inthe standby status. (The screen changes tothe standby status.) Touch to set thestatus to not confirmed. The "Message" willremain in the notice screen and theperiphery of the Menu button flashes inblue in the standby status. (The screen willchange to that of step .)45TouchMessage playback screenTouchThe notice screen appears.UNLOCKRESET/STOP ALARMEMERG.TALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWERPlaying back Messages123TouchMessages are played.When you have messages, the periphery ofthe MENU button flashes in blue.You can cancel the blue flashing (blue light)on the periphery of the MENU button.Consult with the company that installedthe system or the administrating company.InstallerSettingPress the MENU button in thestandby status (nothing isdisplayed on the screen)2Touch one of whenplayback is overINTRODUCTION USUAL USAGE SETTING ACCORDING TOYOUR PREFERENCESOPERATIONS AND MEASURESWHEN AN ALARM GOES OFF OTHERRECORDMANAGEMENTSECURITY ALARM SETTINGAND DISARMINGMENU buttonflashes in blue