UNLOCKRESET/STOP ALARMEMERG.TALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWER OPENNot Home Alarm LockNOTHOME SETFIRE Gas GASUNLOCKRESET/STOP ALARMEMERG.TALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWER OPENNot Home Alarm LockNOTHOME SETFire FIRE GASUNLOCKRESET/STOP ALARMEMERG.TALKFIRE CONFIRMMENUOFFPOWER OPENNot Home Alarm LockNOTHOME SETFire FIRE GASTouching on the Confirm button will take youback to the standby screen, and the periphery ofthe MENU button will light up in red.Pressing the MENU button will not take you backto the fire detector fault indication screen. If youwant to keep displaying the fire detector faultindication, touch on the top menu.Alarm Stop buttonFire lamplightingin redAlarm Stop buttonAlarm Stop buttonGas indicatorflashing in yellowIn the Event of78NoteCautionsIn the Event of Gas LeakNoteIf the heat detector is disconnectedHow to stop the alarm messageMeasures taken when alarm is soundingHow to stop the alarm soundMeasures taken when alarm is sounding(rapid beeps) Gas Leak.After about 40 secondsIn the Event of Fire and Disconnection(beep beep)MENU buttonGas indicatorflashing inyellowGas indicatorflashing inyellowMENU buttonUse the system after confirming that eachdevice is properly installed.If the heat detector is disconnected from thesystem, the base unit and the cordlesshandset of the door phone report the event.The fire detector fault indicator will turn offafter about 1 minute and the periphery of theMENU button will flash in red.If the detector is restored, the alarm soundautomatically stops and the periphery of theMENU button, fire lamp and the alarmindication lamp on the handset of the doorphone will turn off.NotePress the Alarm Stop button. (It is alsopossible to stop the alarm sound from themanager room )Contact the company that installed the systemor the administrating company.It is also possible to disable the alarm feature.Consult with the company that installed thesystem or the administrating company.InstallerSettingUse the system after confirming thateach device is properly installed.When the gas detector detects gas leak, thebase unit and the cordless handset of the doorphone report the event.The gas indication will turn off afterapproximately 3 minute and the periphery ofthe MENU button will flash in red.If gas is not detected anymore, the alarm messageautomatically stops and the periphery of the MENUbutton, gas indicator and the alarm indicator lampon the handset of the door phone will turn off.Press the Alarm Stop button. However, thealarm sound of the gas detector does not stop.Shut off the main gas valve and open thewindows and doors to ventilate the room.The gas detector may generate an erroneousreport if it gets, for example, moisture formsweet cooking rice wine, soy sauce, andalcoholic drink such as wine.Note The periphery of the MENU button, gasindicator and alarm indicator lamp will keepflashing until there is no gas in the gas detector.It is also possible to turn off the gasindication within 3 minutes. ( Page 75)The periphery of the MENU button and firelamp will keep flashing until the heat detectoris connected again.It is also possible to turn off the fire detectorfault indicator within 1 minute. ( Page 75)Fire detectorfault indicatorlighting in redHandset of the door phoneAlarm indicator lampFlashing in redAlarm soundingHandset of the door phoneAlarm indicator lampFlashing in redAlarm sounding