Getting Started 2-5Main Battery PackThe NEC Versa comes with a rechargeable Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) battery pack that’seasy to install and remove.To prevent accidental battery ignition or explosion, adhere tothe following:! Keep the battery away from extreme heat.! Keep metal objects away from the battery connectors to prevent a short circuit.! Make sure the battery is properly installed in the battery bay.! Read the precautions printed on the battery.Determining Battery StatusYour NEC Versa system provides tools to help you keep track of the main battery’spower level. If your system is configured (default setting) to display the power icon onthe taskbar in the Windows environments, an electrical plug appears when the system isconnected to an AC power source. A battery icon displays when the system is notconnected to an AC power source.Use the system’s power meter to determine battery status. Access the system’s powermeter in the following ways:! Move the cursor over the power icon on the taskbar to display the remaining batterypower for the system’s main battery.! Right click the power icon on the taskbar to open the power meter or to adjustpower properties.! Double click the power icon on the taskbar to display the remaining power for themain battery.! Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and double click the Power icon and select thePower Meter tab.Systems running the Window NT operating system use SystemSoft’s PowerProfiler™to determine battery status. Simply click the battery icon on the taskbar to launch thePowerProfiler battery page.