Escape PlanPrepare and practice a home escape plan twice a year, includ-ing drills at night. Know two ways out of every room (door &window) and identify a meeting place outside the home whereeveryone will gather once they have exited the residence.When two people have reached the meeting place, one shouldleave to call 999 while the second person stays to account foradditional family members.Establish a rule that once you’re out, you never reenterunder any circumstance!Fire PreventionNever smoke in bed, or leave cookingfood unattended. Teach children neverto play with matches or lighters! Traineveryone in the home to recognize thealarm pattern, voice message warningand to leave the home using theirescape plan when it’s heard. Know howto do “Stop, Drop and Roll” if clothescatch on fire, and how to crawl lowunder smoke. Install and maintain fireextinguishers on every level of the home and in the kitchen,basement and garage. Know how to use a fire extinguisherprior to an emergency. Second level and higher occupiedrooms with windows, should have an escape ladder.Current studies have shown smoke alarms may not awaken allsleeping individuals, and that it is the responsibility ofindividuals in the household that are capable of assisting othersto provide assistance to those who may not be awakened bythe alarm sound, or to those who may be incapable of safelyevacuating the area unassisted.21Fire Safety Information2540-7205-02_10SCO(KN-COPE-D).qxd:_ 2014.3.21 10:48 AM Page