Page 244. KIPR Link Vision SystemAbout Color Vision Tracking and QR CodesThe KIPR Link Vision System incorporates color vision tracking and QR code identification. A USB webcamera is used to provide images to the KIPR Link at a rate dependent on lighting conditions butexceeding 6 frames per second. Using the KIPR Link interface, an arbitrary number of cameraconfigurations containing channels for color vision tracking and/or QR code identification can bedefined.For color vision tracking, images are processed by the KIPR Link to identify "blobs" matching the colorspecification for each color channel in a camera configuration. A blob is a set of contiguous pixels in theimage matching the color specification for the channel.For each color channel in a selected configuration, the values to be used to identify which pixels in animage match the desired color for the channel are interactively selected from a color spectrum chart toprovide a color specification for the channel. Live feed from the camera simplifies the process ofdetermining how much of the spectrum is needed to produce blobs matching the color (e.g., a particularpart of the spectrum might include all pixels that are "reddish" in color for a channel to be used foridentifying red objects). The spectrum values for the channel are retained with the configuration untilthe configuration is deleted.The camera image size is 160 x 120. The upper left corner has coordinates (0,0) and the lower right hascoordinates (159,119). The camera image displayed on the KIPR Link is slightly smaller than the actualimage size.KIPR Link Vision Library functions are used to select a configuration and obtain information about thecolor blobs being identified by its channels, such as bounding box coordinates and pixel density.In addition to channels for color tracking, a configuration can have channels for identifying QR (QuickResponse) codes. A QR code is essentially a 2-dimensional bar code for compactly representing textdata. KIPR Link Vision Library functions are provided for decoding any QR code in the image.(0,0)(159,119)