42 I General User Manual21.2 Brake lever21.2.1 Standard brake leverThe bike is equipped as standard with a suitable brakelever. Check regularly that when you operate the brakelever it does not reach the handlebar and make contactwith it. With the brake lever pulled, push the bike forwardand check whether the braking performance is sufficient.If the bike rolls slightly forwards, you will need to havethe brake cable readjusted or the brake pads replaced.Brake cable adjust-ment screwLever pull rangeadjustment screw Fastening screw21.3 Hub brakesHub brakes are virtually maintenance-free as the brakeblock is inside the hub.If applied continuously for an extended period, hubbrakes become very hot. This reduces the brakingperformance and ultimately complete failure of thebrake. You should adapt your handling accordingly.21.3.1 Drum and roller brakesWith the roller brake or drum brake, the braking force istransmitted via a cable from the hand brake lever to thebrake system. If applied continuously for an extendedperiod, roller brakes or drum brakes become very hot.This reduces the braking performance and can result incomplete failure of the brake. You should adapt your han-dling accordingly.The brake lever of roller and drum brakes requiresspecial tuning.› Check regularly that the screws on the brake leverare tight.› Turn them clockwise to retighten if necessary. Forthe correct tightening torque, refer to ➠ Chapter 30"Technical data".› Pull on the front wheel or rear wheel hand brakelever with the same amount of force as you wouldapply when braking sharply during a ride. Thenpush the bike forwards. The rear wheel should lock.The front wheel should decelerate so rapidly thatthe bike starts to tip forwards.› Lubricate the cable-pull regularly.Brake pads are wear parts. Have the brake pads forback-pedal, roller and drum brakes checked regularly,and replaced if necessary, by a professional bikeworkshop.If you have not used your bike for a while, there maybe surface rust in the brake drum which can increasethe braking force. You should therefore brake gentlyseveral times when riding off to remove the surfacerust. This prevents sudden blocking of the brake.