9Where to Place the SpeakersMounting OptionsSatellites and SurroundsOn shelves.Wall-MountingAttach plate to wall. Thebrackets should be placed, ifpossible, so that the screwswill fasten into a wooden wallstud. If that is not possible, useproperly selected wall anchors.The customer is responsible for properselection and use of mounting hardware,available through hardware stores, to prop-erly and safely wall-mount the speakers.On the wall. Wall bracketsare included.Slide speaker onto support.On optional stands (FS300).Place speaker and sup-port on wall plate.SubwooferSurround SpeakersFront Speakers Center Channel SpeakerThe front speakers should be placed the samedistance from each other as they are from thelistening position. They should be placed atabout the same height from the floor as thelisteners’ ears will be, or they may be angledtoward the listeners.The center channel speaker should be placedslightly behind the front left and right speakers,and no more than two feet above or below thetweeters of the left and right speakers. It isoften convenient to set the center speaker ontop of the television set, as shown in the drawing.Use the supplied support leg to aim it towardthe listener by screwing the leg in to angle thespeaker up, or unscrewing the leg slightly toangle the speaker down.The two surround speakers should be placedslightly behind the listening position and, ideally,should face each other and be at a level higherthan the listeners’ ears. If that is not possible,they may be placed on a wall behind the listeningposition, facing forward. The surround speakersshould not call attention to themselves. Exper-iment with their placement until you hear adiffuse, ambient sound accompanying the main-program material heard in the front speakers.The low-frequency material reproduced by thesubwoofer is mostly omnidirectional, and thisspeaker may be placed in a convenient locationin the room. However, the best reproduction ofbass will be heard when the subwoofer isplaced in a corner along the same wall as thefront speakers. Experiment with subwooferplacement by temporarily placing the subwooferin the listening position and moving around theroom until the bass reproduction is best. Placethe subwoofer in that location.