22Remote Control FunctionsIMPORTANT NOTE: The remote control forthe JBL Cinema ProPack 600II may be pro-grammed to control up to eight devices, includ-ing the DCR600II and DVD600II. It is helpful tothink of the remote as being organized into“pages,” with one page for each device.Depending on which device has been selected,the buttons on that device’s page will performdifferent functions, as listed starting on thenext page. These functions may vary from thelabels on the remote, and from one device tothe next. Some buttons may perform no func-tion at all for a given device.In order to go to the page for a particulardevice, such as the DVD600II, you will need topress the Input Selector button for that device(DVD in this case), located in a grouping justbelow the power buttons. The remote will thenfunction as if it were dedicated to the DVD600II.If you would like to make an adjustment thataffects the DCR600II receiver, such as turningthe volume up or down, you must first go tothe page for the DCR600II by pressing its InputSelector button. This button is labeled “Main”on the remote. The exception to this rule isthat the transport functions of the DVD600II –Play, Forward and Reverse Search, Stop,Pause, and Previous and Next Chapter/TrackSkip – may be accessed from the “Main” page,without having to jump to the DVD page.- -PROGRAMINDICATOR LEDa Power Off Button: Turns off the powerto a device selected by pressing its InputSelector.b Power On Button: Turns on the powerto a device selected by pressing its InputSelector.c Mute Button: Press to momentarilysilence the DCR600II or TV set being con-trolled, depending on which device has beenselected.When the remote is being programmed tooperate an external device, such as a CDplayer , this button is pressed, together withthe Input Selector button for the new device,to begin the programming process.d DVD Input Selector: Pressing thisbutton will perform three actions: 1) If theDCR600II is not turned on, it will power up.2) It will select DVD as the input source.3) It will switch to the page for the DVD600II,which will cause the remote to operate onlythe DVD changer. Press the Main Button hto return the remote to control of the DCR600IIreceiver.