63Operating the DVD600II DVD ChangerProgrammed PlayThe DVD600II is equipped with a wide range ofprogrammed play functions that enable you tohave the unit select or repeat tracks for you, oryou may program a specific order for discs andtracks to play.Random PlayThe Random Play function will play all of thetracks on a CD or chapters on a DVD in a ran-dom order, as selected by the DVD600II. Oncethe disc has played all of the tracks, it will stop.To select Random Play at any time while a CD orDVD is playing, press the Random Button .The Random Play Banner (Figure 25) will appearon the screen and the Random Indicatorwill appear in order to confirm your selection.To remove the Random Play Banner from thescreen, press the Clear Button .Figure 25To return to Standard Play, with tracks or chap-ters playing in order, press the Random Buttonagain. Note that a Standard Play Banner(Figure 26) will appear in order to confirm yourselection and the Random Indicator willgo out. The DVD600II may return to the disc’smain menu.Figure 26Repeat PlayThe DVD600II offers five repeat functions thatallow you to take advantage of the five-disccapacity of the unit for unattended playback:• Repeat All: Plays all discs in the unit in orderfrom beginning to end.• Repeat 1 Disc: Plays the current disc fromstart to finish until the disc is manuallystopped.• Repeat Title: For DVD discs only, this moderepeats the title currently being played untilthe disc is manually stopped.• Repeat Track/Chapter: Repeats the CDtrack or DVD chapter currently being playeduntil the disc is manually stopped.• Repeat A–B: Repeats any selected portion ofa disc until the disc is manually stopped.To select Repeat All, Repeat 1 Disc, Repeat Titleor Repeat Track/Chapter, simply press the RepeatButton until the banner display with thedesired playback method appears on the screen.The selection process will follow this order:• For DVD Discs: Repeat All Discs ➔ Repeat1 Disc ➔ Repeat Title ➔ Repeat Chapter ➔Repeat Off• For CD Discs: Repeat All Discs ➔ Repeat 1Disc ➔ Repeat Track ➔ Repeat OffAlso, when the video display is not available,the Repeat Indicators will light in theInformation Display to show the optionsin use.To stop any Repeat Play function, press theRepeat Button until the Repeat OffBanner appears in the on-screen display or theRepeat Indicators in the InformationDisplay go out.Repeat Play may also be stopped by pressingthe Stop Button twice.Repeat A–BThe Repeat A–B function allows you to selectany portion of a DVD or CD and have it repeatcontinually unit the unit is manually stopped.To initiate a Repeat A–B playback sequence,follow these steps while a disc is playing:1. Press the Repeat A–B Button at thestart of the sequence to be repeated. Note thata Repeat A- Banner (Figure 27) will appear onthe video screen and the Repeat A Indicatorwill light in the Information Display.Figure 272. When at the end of the sequence to berepeated, note that the on-screen banner mes-sage will change to Repeat A–B (Figure28), as will the Repeat A–B Indicator inthe Information Display.Figure 283. The selected sequence will now play continuallyuntil the Stop Button is pressed.Programmed PlaylistsProgrammed play allows you to select any track,title or chapter from any disc in the DVD600II forplayback in a specific order. This type ofprogramming is particularly useful for partiesor other situations where you want continualplayback of specific selections for a long periodof time. To program the discs in the DVD600IIfor playback, follow these steps:1. Press the Program Button on theremote. Note that the Program Edit Screen(Figures 29a and 29b) will appear on the videodisplay.Figure 29a. CD SelectedFigure 29b. DVD Selected2. Select the disc position for the first playbackselection by pressing the ⁄/¤ Buttonsy . When the desired disc numberappears in the disc’s box, press the EnterButton or › Button to move to thenext selection.3. The second box will now be highlighted toindicate that a selection for track or title is to bemade. As the DVD600II already knows the disctype for the position selected, the heading overthe box will indicate “Track” for CD discs and“Title” for DVD discs. The number in parenthe-ses under the box shows the maximumnumber of tracks or titles on the disc. If “99”appears, it indicates that the disc selected hasnot yet been played and the unit does not yetknow the type of disc and how many titles ortracks are available.4. Press the ⁄/¤ Buttons y to scrollthrough the list of available tracks or titles.Press the Enter Button or › Buttonto move to the next selection.Note that most DVD movie discs use “Title 1”for movies, while “Title 2” is used for the open-ing logos and piracy warnings. Before selectinga DVD title number, you may wish to previewthe disc while the on-screen Menu Bar is activeto see which title numbers refer to each portionof the disc. This is particularly important in discswith large amounts of special feature material.(continued)