61Operating the DVD600II DVD ChangerMP3 Disc PlaybackWhen the DVD600II reads a disc and recognizesit as an MP3 disc, no Disc Type Indicatorwill light; however, a listing of all the directoriesand tracks on the disc will appear on the videoscreen. (Figure 23). Note that the right side ofthe screen will initially be blank, as that is usedfor programming playlists for MP3 playback. Theblack box in the upper left corner of the screenwill show the Play symbol while a track is play-ing, or the Play/Pause symbol when a track hasbeen paused, or no symbol when the unit is inStop mode. The box in the top center of the dis-play will contain the file name of the currentlyselected track.The second row of boxes will display, from leftto right, an indication of whether the currentmode is Standard Play, Random Play or RepeatPlay; the track number currently playing, and theelapsed time of the current track.Figure 23To play a track, press the ⁄/¤ NavigationButtons y until the desired track nameis highlighted. If the list of tracks is longer thanwill fit on the screen, a ⁄ or ¤ indicator willappear at the top or bottom of the track list toremind you that you may scroll through the listto see additional titles.To begin playback, press the Play/PauseButton or the Enter Button .During MP3 playback most of the standardCD/DVD playback controls operate in theirnormal fashion:• You may skip forward to the next track on thedisc by pressing the Next Button .• You may skip back to the previous track on thedisc by pressing the Previous Button .• Press the Pause Button to momentarilystop playback. Press it again to resume play.• Press the Enter Button to begin play, orto restart play of the current track from thebeginning.NOTES ON MP3 PLAYBACK• The Fast Forward and Reverse Search modesare not available during MP3 playback.• During MP3 playback the Program TimeIndicators will show the elapsed time ofthe track being played. Other time displayoptions are not available with MP3 playback.• The DVD600II is only compatible with stan-dard MP3-encoded discs. Other compressedaudio formats used for Internet audio down-loads will not play on the DVD600II.• Due to the differences in various versions ofthe MP3 format, and the many differencesbetween the CD-R machines used to recordMP3 discs on a computer, it is possible thatsome MP3 discs may not play on theDVD600II even though they will work on acomputer. This is normal and does notindicate a fault with the unit.• When a multisession disc with both standardCD audio and MP3 content is in use, theDVD600II will play only the CD audio sectionsof the disc.• When an MP3 disc with multiple directoriesis playing, the DVD600II will search out allMP3 files on the disc and list them in the on-screen display in the order in which the direc-tories are structured on the disc. Note that ifthe same title is used for tracks in differentdirectories, this may result in the sametitle appearing more than once in the tracklistings.Programmed Playback of MP3 DiscsThe DVD600II is capable of creating playlists upto 130 tracks long with the MP3 files on a prop-erly recorded disc. To create a playback list forMP3 titles, follow these steps:Step 1: Load a compatible MP3 disc, but do notput it into play or stop play if it begins automati-cally.Step 2: Press the Program Button to opena playlist. The screen will change to ProgramPlay Mode, as indicated in the upper left cornerof Figure 24. The Program Indicator willalso light in the Information Display .Figure 24Step 3: Use the ⁄/¤ Navigation Buttonsy to highlight the first track to be placedin the list and press the Enter Button .Note that the track name will now appear onthe right side of the screen.Step 4: Repeat the step above until all desiredtracks are added to the playlist.Step 5: To remove a track from the playlist, firstpress the ‹/› Navigation Buttons `so that the highlight moves to the right side of thescreen under the PROGRAM listing. Use the⁄/¤ Navigation Buttons y to high-light the track to be deleted and press the ClearButton .Step 6: To clear all the tracks in the playlist andstart over, press the ‹/› Navigation Buttons` until the ALL CLEAR box at thebottom of the right side of the screen is high-lighted and press the Enter Button .Step 7: To play the tracks on the list, press thePlay/Pause Button .Once a playlist is created, it will remain avail-able as long as the disc is not changed or thepower turned off. You may play any track on thedisc without erasing the playlist by pressing the‹/› Navigation Buttons `/ to returnthe highlight bar to the left side of the screenRepeat Playback of MP3 DiscsRepeat playback operation for MP3 discs differssomewhat from the steps used for repeat play-back of standard DVD discs. Press the RepeatButton to cycle through the followingoptions, which will be displayed on the screen:Repeat All Discs, Repeat 1Disc, Repeat 1 Folder,Repeat Track, Standard PlayThe Repeat Indicators will also light toreflect the current mode. The Repeat A–B func-tion is not available for MP3 discs.For Random Play of the files on the MP3 disc,press the Random Button to togglebetween Random Play and Standard Play, asdisplayed on the screen.VCD PlaybackVCD is a format that predates DVD which isbased on a different compression format thanDVD and a recording method that is similar toCDs. Although the DVD has, for the most part,replaced VCD as a format, the DVD600II offersVCD playback so that you may play your existinglibrary of VCD discs. (continued)