47Configuring the DVD600II DVD Changeronly one title, but some may have more thanone, to give you a “Double Feature” presenta-tion or to include special presentations that takeyou “behind the scenes” of the main feature.Press the Title button to see a listing of thetitles on a disc. When a disc has only one title,pressing the Title button may show a list of thechapters.The DVD600II is turned on in two steps.First, press the Main Power Switch onthe front panel until it latches and the PowerIndicator lights. Then, press the SystemPower Control or use the remote controlto select DVD d and turn on the unit b.Using the Remote ControlTo access the Setup Menu, press the MenuButton z. The Setup Menu will appear onthe video display screen (Figure 1a). The leftside of the screen will show the various options,and the box on the right side of the screen willshow the current defaults. The box in the lowerleft corner of the screen will read “Resume” ifyou were playing a disc and pressed the StopButton once, thus placing theDVD600II in Resume mode (see Figure 1a). Ifyou pressed the Stop Button twice,this box will read “Play” (see Figure 1b).Figure 1aFigure 1bTo navigate through the settings on the screen,use the ⁄/¤ Buttons y to scroll up ordown through the list of settings or the list ofoptions. Press the ‹/› Buttons ` tomove back and forth between the list of settingsand the list of options for those settings. Tochoose a specific option, use the ⁄/¤ Buttonsy until it is highlighted. Press the EnterButton to select the choice. When aselection is made, you may confirm the choiceby checking to see that a dot fills the “radio but-ton” circle next to the choice. This filled circle,not the highlighted option, is the active choice.Selecting Audio Output LanguagesThe Audio Language option sets the defaultchoice for the language that will be played froma DVD disc. To select the language default, goto the Setup Menu (Figure 1), which is availableby pressing the Menu Button z while theunit is in the Stop mode. Audio LanguageSelection is the first option and will be high-lighted in teal when the Setup Menu is displayed.To change the default language, press the› Button . The list of system defaults willbe replaced with a list of available options, asshown in Figure 2. The current language choicewill be indicated by a filled-in circle on the rightside of the screen.Figure 2To change the default setting, press the⁄/¤ Buttons y until the desired choiceis highlighted, and then press the Enter Button. Note that the circle for your choice willfill in, and the menu will return to the defaultlistings.If you wish to change the default to a languageother than English, Spanish or French, press the⁄/¤ Buttons y until the “Other” lineon the bottom is highlighted. Consult theLanguage Codes list on page 65 for the desiredlanguage. Press the Enter Button , andthen enter the four-digit code from the list usingthe Numeric Keys – .Although your selection will be entered, theword “Other” will appear on the default list.Note that when a default language is selected,it will be used whenever that language is presenton the DVD disc being played. However, whenthat language is not present, the language usedwill be the one preprogrammed into the discitself. (Typically, that default will be English fordiscs sold in Region 1, but the selection willvary at the discretion of the disc’s producer.)Although the default will set the language thatwill be used when a disc is first put into play,the language may easily be changed at any timeby using the Audio Button t.If you have no other changes to make after set-ting this default, press the Menu Button zto remove the Setup Menu from the screen, orpress the Play/Pause Button tobegin or resume playback.Selecting Subtitle LanguagesThe Subtitle Language option sets the defaultchoice for the language that will be displayedwhen subtitles are turned on during DVDplayback.To select the Subtitle Language default, you mustbe viewing the Setup Menu (Figure 1), which isavailable by pressing the Menu Button zwhile the unit is in the Stop mode. At the SetupMenu, press the ¤ Button until theSubtitle Language option is highlighted.To change the default Subtitle Language, pressthe › Button and note that the list ofsystem defaults will be replaced with a list ofthe available options, as shown in Figure 3. Thecurrent subtitle language choice will be indicatedby a filled-in circle in the list on the right side ofthe screen.Figure 3To change the default setting, press the ⁄/¤Buttons y until the desired choice ishighlighted, and then press the Enter Button .Note that the circle for your choice will fill in,and the menu will return to the default listings.If you wish to change the subtitle default to alanguage other than English, Spanish or French,press the ⁄/¤ Buttons y until the“Other” line on the bottom is highlighted. Consultthe Language Codes list on page 65 for thedesired language. Press the Enter Button ,and then enter the four-digit code from the listusing the Numeric Keys – , .Although your selection will be entered, theword “Other” will appear on the default list.(continued)