Ambient temperature less then40°C / 104ºFAmbient temperature between40-50°C / 104-122°FAmbient temperature between50-55°C / 122-131°FCooling kit.It is not necessary to cool downthe air.Pressure,bar/PSI 6/87 Pressure,bar/PSI8/116 (DXR145)10/145 (DXR275, DXR 305,DXR 315)Flow, l/min orcu ft/min600/21 (DXR145)1350/47.7(DXR 275,DXR 305,DXR 315)Flow, l/min orcu ft/min750/26.5 (DXR145)1650/58.3(DXR 275,DXR 305,DXR 315)Heat protec-tion kit.It is not necessary to cool downthe air.Pressure,bar/PSI 6/87 Pressure,bar/PSI8/116 (DXR145)10/145 (DXR275, DXR 305,DXR 315)Flow, l/min orcu ft/min950/33.5 (DXR145)1700/60 (DXR275, DXR 305,DXR 315)Flow, l/min orcu ft/min1200/42.4(DXR 145)2100/74.2(DXR 275,DXR 305,DXR 315)The noise level for Kit 2 and 3 is 115 dB.Hydraulic oilSpeak to the product manufacturer before you use a type of hydraulic oil that is not specified in this manual. Thegrade of the hydraulic oil that the product was supplied with is shown on the label on the product.CAUTION: The product can be damaged if different types of hydraulic oil are mixed. Do a check ofwhich quality of hydraulic oil the hydraulic system contains before you fill with hydraulic oil.Hydraulic oil Type Product Min. start tem-perature, °C/°FMax. tempera-ture, °C/°FIdeal operationtemperature,°C/°FFuchs PLANTO-HYD SE 46Biodegradablehydraulic fluidbased on syn-thetic esters(HEES).DXR 95, DXR145, DXR 275,DXR 305, DXR315-20/-4 90/194 40–70/104–158QUINTOLUBRIC888Fire resistant hy-draulic oil.DXR 275, DXR305, DXR 315 -17/1.4 75/167 40–75/104–167146 1401 - 005 - 11.01.2024