Problem Cause SolutionThe motor operatesbut the hydraulicfunctions have nopower or do not oper-ate.There is not sufficient hydraulic oil in the hy-draulic oil tank. There is noise from the hy-draulic pump.Stop the product immediately. Do a check forleaks in the hydraulic system. Replace partswith new parts if it is necessary. Fill the hy-draulic oil tank with hydraulic oil.The circulation valve is continuously open.Do a check of the cable to the control mod-ule. (DXR 95)Do a check of the diode on the valve cap atthe bottom of valve block 1. If the circulationvalve is open, the diode does not light up. Doa check of the cable to the control module.(DXR 145, DXR 275, DXR 305, DXR 315)The standby pressure is too low. Speak to an approved service agent.There is a fault in the pump regulator. Speak to an approved service agent.The arm systemmovements and toolfunction operatesslowly.The knob for adjustment of the tool speedand/or the knob for adjustment of the productspeed is turned counterclockwise.Turn the knob for adjustment of the toolspeed and/or the knob for adjustment of theproduct speed clockwise.The standby pressure is too low.Start the remote control. Do not use the con-trols on the remote control. Do a check of thestandby pressure on the remote control dis-play. The pressure must be 20±5 bar/290±73psi. If the pressure value is different, adjustthe pressure.A function on theproduct operatesslowly.There is internal leakage in the cylinder.Extend the cylinder to its end position withoutload. Do a check of the pump pressure in theremote control display. The pump must oper-ate at maximum pressure. If the pump doesnot operate at maximum pressure, speak toan approved service agent.The hydraulic hose is blocked.Operate the cylinder without load. Do acheck of the pump pressure in the remotecontrol display. If you get maximum pressurebut not full speed on the cylinder, the hy-draulic hose is blocked. Replace the hydraul-ic hose.There is a fault in the pilot control valve. Speak to an approved service agent.A function on theproduct does notwork.A joystick is not in a neutral position whenyou start the remote control.Start the remote control again with the joy-sticks in neutral position.There is a fault in the pilot control valve orthe spool in the pilot control valve is blockedor damaged.Speak to an approved service agent.The product lowerson the outriggers.There is leakage in the check valves in theoutrigger cylinders. Speak to an approved service agent.128 1401 - 005 - 11.01.2024