To clean the check valves for the caterpillartrack tension (DXR 145)1. Remove the left side cover (A).ABC2. Turn the lock knob counterclockwise (B).3. Turn the valve for caterpillar track tension (C)counterclockwise to the end position to open thevalve. This releases the pressure.4. Operate the outriggers up and down. Refer toTooperate the outriggers on page 83. The hydraulicfluid in the system cleans the check valves.5. Turn the valve for caterpillar track tension clockwiseto close the valve.6. Turn the lock knob clockwise.7. Operate the outriggers up and down to do automaticcaterpillar track tension.8. Install the left side cover.To clean the check valves for the caterpillartrack tension (DXR 275, DXR 305, DXR 315)1. Remove the inspection cover (A).ABC2. Pull out and turn the valve for caterpillar tracktension ¼ turn counterclockwise to lock it in an openposition (B) and (C). This releases the pressure.1401 - 005 - 11.01.2024 123