5 TV LCD-TFThsilgnEPREPARATIONIMPORTANT: Do not apply pressure to the screen display area which may compromise theintegrity of the display. The manufacturer’s warranty does not cover user abuse or improperinstallations.PREPARING YOUR LCD HDTV FOR WALL MOUNTINGWe suggest that you keep your TV at least 2.36 inches (6.0 cm) from the wall to prevent cableinterference.Before mounting your TV on the wall, you need to remove the base.For your safety, please use only with UL listed wall mount bracket with minimum weight of theTV without stand. (Please see page.15.)To attach a wall mount bracket to your TV:1 Loosen the screws on the back of the stand and remove the back cover of the stand.2 Pull up the stand base from the hinge to remove the stand base from your TV.3 Secure the wall mount bracket to the back of your TV using four M6 screws, as indicatedin the illustration.32" 42"200 mm200 mm400 mm200 mmNOTEfFP[FP LQFK[LQFK ZDOOPRXQWEUDFNHW 0VFUHZVDUHQRWLQFOXGHG fFP[FP LQFK[LQFK ZDOOPRXQWEUDFNHW 0VFUHZVDUHQRWLQFOXGHG f $IWHU WDNLQJ WKH EDVH DSDUW XVHUV PXVW DWWDFK WKH WZR VFUHZ ORFNHUV PDUNHG WKH SLFWXUH WRPDFKLQHLQRUGHUWRSUHYHQWJDSDIWHUKDQJLQJRQWKHZDOO