Identifying your serverwww.gateway.com252 Select the Security menu, then select the password to remove.3 Enter the current password, then press E NTER.Tips & TricksPasswords can also be cleared usingjumpers on the system board. Forinstructions, see “Resetting BIOSpasswords” on page 70.4 For the new password, leave the password field blank, then press E NTER.The password is removed.Identifying your serverWhile you are working on a cabinet that contains several slim servers, it can bedifficult to keep track of which server or servers you are currently working on.The System ID indicator is a yellow (front) and blue (back) LED that you can turnon to help you locate the correct server. For the System ID indicator to turn on,the server does not need to be turned on, but it does need to be plugged in.To turn on the System ID indicator:1 Press the ID button on the control panel of the server. The yellow (front)and blue (back) ID LED indicators turn on. For the location of these LEDs,see “LED information” on page 9.2 To turn off the indicator, press the System ID button.Updating the baseboard management controller firmwareThe baseboard management controller (BMC) performs several systemmanagement functions such as:■ Monitoring server components (FRU) and sensor data records (SDR) (theinformation provided depends on the option selected)■ Managing non-volatile storage for the system event log and sensor datarecords■ Interfacing with the emergency management port to send alerts andinteract with remote management systems■ Fault resilient booting (the extent depends on the option selected)You should update the BMC firmware when Gateway Customer Care hasinstructed you to update it.To update the BMC firmware:1 Download the BMC update file from and copy ontoa USB Disk-on-key device.2 Turn off and boot the system from the SCDVD, then open the commandline.3 At the command line, change directories to the USB Disk-on-key device.4 Run the update utility on the USB Disk-on-key device.