4 - FLIGHT PLANS75190-00357-00 Rev GClosest Point of FPLClosest Point of FPL? calculates the bearing andclosest distance at which a flight plan passes froma reference waypoint. May also be used to create anew user waypoint along the flight plan at the loca-tion closest to a chosen reference waypoint.To determine the closest point where the ac-tive flight plan passes a particular waypoint,use the “Closest Point of FPL?” option. Awaypoint can be added to the flight plan atthe calculated location.To determine the closest point, along the activeflight plan, to a selected waypoint:1. From the Active Flight Plan Page, pressMENU to display the Active Flight Plan PageOptions.2. Select the “Closest Point of FPL?” option fromthe Active Flight Plan Page Options and pressENT.3. A window appears with the reference waypointfield highlighted. Use the small and largeright knobs to enter the identifier of the refer-ence waypoint and press ENT.4. The 500W-series unit displays the bearing(BRG) and distance (DIST) to the closest pointalong the flight plan, from the selected refer-ence waypoint. To create a user waypoint atthis location and add it to the flight plan,highlight “Load?” and press ENT. The namefor the new user waypoint is derived from theidentifier of the reference waypoint.Parallel TrackParallel Track? allows you to create a parallelcourse offset of 1 to 99 NM to the left or right of yourcurrent flight plan. After setting a parallel track to yourcurrent flight plan, a magenta parallel track line will bedrawn offset from the original by the selected distance.The original course line will be drawn in white. Theaircraft will navigate to the parallel track course line.When you reach the end of the flight plan, amessage will state “Parallel offset terminating in Xseconds”. The message will be given when the aircraftreaches the offset distance from the end of the paralleltrack. This will give the pilot sufficient time to inter-cept the original course.TOWPTFROMWPTNorthBRGParallel Track DistanceCourseDTKOffsetTOWPTOffsetFROMWPTActive Flight Plan Options