3TAKEOFF TOUR190-00357-00 Rev GRight-hand Keys and Knobs2.'The range key (RNG) allows you toselect the desired map scale. Use theup arrow side of the key to zoom outto a larger area, or the down arrowside to zoom into a smaller area.D The direct-to key (direct-to) pro-vides access to the direct-to function,which allows you to enter a destina-tion waypoint and establishes a directcourse to the selected destination.See Section 3.MENU The menu key (MENU) displaysa context-sensitive list of options.This options list allows you to accessadditional features or make settingschanges which relate to the currentlydisplayed page.CLR The clear key (CLR) is used to eraseinformation or cancel an entry. Pressand hold this key to immediatelydisplay the Default Navigation Page,regardless of the page that is cur-rently displayed.ENT The enter key (ENT) is used toapprove an operation or completedata entry. It is also used to confirminformation, such as the DatabasePage during power on.t The large right knob (GPS) is usedto select between the various pagegroups: NAV, WPT, AUX or NRST.With the on-screen cursor enabled,the large right knob allows you tomove the cursor about the page.r The small right knob (PUSH CRSR)is used to select between the variouspages within one of the groups listedabove. Press this knob momentarilyto display the on-screen cursor.The cursor allows you to enter dataand/or make a selection from a list ofoptions.Data is entered using the large and smallright knobs. Experiment with them to be-come efficient at entering data. This greatlyreduces the amount of time spent operatingthe 500W-series unit in flight.Key and Knob Functions