5 - PROCEDURES102 190-00357-00 Rev G8. As you cross the FAF, the destination sequencesto the MAP (“RW22”). With the needle cen-tered, fly toward the MAP, observing the alti-tude minimums dictated by the approach plate.On-screen CDI scaling continues to tighten to350 feet, full-scale deflection.9. As you approach the MAP, a waypoint alert(“Arriving at waypoint”) appears in the lowerright corner.10. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appearsabove the OBS key, indicating that automaticsequencing of approach waypoints is sus-pended at the MAP. A “from” indication isdisplayed on the CDI and Default NAV Page,but course guidance along the final approachcourse continues. Do NOT follow this extendedcourse. Follow published missed approachprocedures using the OBS key to initiate themissed approach sequence.As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appears abovethe OBS key, indicating that the automaticwaypoint sequencing is suspended.Course From Fix Flight Plan LegsCertain approach, departure, and arrival proceduresin the Jeppesen database contain Course From Fix flightplan legs. The 500W-series unit is able to load theselegs into the flight plan along with the rest of the proce-dure data, and to provide navigation along these legs.DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION Palmdale (CA) AF Plant 42VOR/DME or GPS Rwy 25There are three different types of course from fix legs:TYPE 1: Course from fix to distance, or Coursefrom fix to DME distanceCourse from fix to distance legs appears in the flightplan like normal waypoints, but the destination namealways begins with a "D", followed by a distance intenths of nautical miles from the waypoint fix. Thisexample uses the VOR/DME RWY 25 approach intoPalmdale, California (KPMD) and includes a teardropcourse reversal.1. As you reach the initial approach fix (PMD),a waypoint alert (“Right to 072° in x sec”)appears in the lower right corner of the screen.As the distance to the IAF approaches zero, thealert is replaced by a turn advisory (“Right to072° now”). Dial the outbound course into theCDI (or HSI) using the OBS knob and initiate astandard rate turn to this course heading.Course-From-Fix Legs