Alarms SetupThe alarms setup page is used to set the threealarms available on the GPS 126/128: the anchor dragalarm, arrival alarm, and CDI alarm.The anchor drag alarm will sound if your boat hasmoved outside a range measured from a central point(your position). The arrival alarm sounds when you areapproaching a waypoint and have reached the userdefined distance. The CDI alarm will alert you whenyour track varies from the shortest distance to a way-point by the defined range.The arrival and CDI alarms may be set from 0.0 to9.9 units. The anchor drag alarm may be set up to 9.99distance units.To set the alarms:1. Move the highlight to ‘ALARMS SETUP’ and pressF.2. Select the desired alarm distance field and pressF.3. Enter the distance for the alarm and press F.4. If you would like to change the ‘On/Off’ setting, pressthe F key and use the U and D keys to turnthe alarm on or off.5. Enter a setting and press the F key.When setting the anchor drag alarm, rememberthat Selective Availability can degrade yourGPS position as much as 100 meters and maycause false anchor drag alerts.Alarms SetupREFERENCE50When activated, the arrivalalarm will sound when youreach the specified distancefrom your destinationwaypoint.Use the CDI alarm toensure you maintain astraight-line course to thedestination waypoint.!#