Waypoint Definition PageThe waypoint definition page lets you create newwaypoints manually or review and edit an existing way-point’s coordinates, symbols, and comments. It is alsoused to delete an individual waypoint from memory(see pg. 24). To create a new waypoint manually, you’llneed to know its position coordinates or its approxi-mate distance and bearing from an existing waypoint.To create a waypoint by entering coordinates:1. From the waypoint definition page, highlight ‘NEW?’,and press F.2. Enter a waypoint name, and press F.3. Press F to select a waypoint symbol, make yourselection, and press F.4. Highlight the ‘DONE?’ prompt, and press F toreturn to the waypoint page.5. Highlight the ‘position’ field, and press F.6. Enter your position, and press F.7. Highlight the ‘DONE? prompt and press F to con-firm.Reference WaypointsTo create a new waypoint manually without know-ing its position coordinates, you’ll need to enter itsbearing and distance from an existing waypoint or yourpresent position.To create a new waypoint by referencing a storedwaypoint:1. From the waypoint definition page, highlight ‘NEW?’,and press F.WaypointDefinition &ReferenceWaypointsREFERENCE22The GPS 126/128’sadvanced waypoint plan-ning features allow you tocreate new waypoints andpractice navigation with-out ever setting foot out-side.If you create a new way-point by entering coordi-nates from a map, youmay want to re-mark thewaypoint’s exact positiononce you get there.To re-define an existingwaypoint’s position coor-dinates from the waypointdefinition page, simplyhighlight the DST fieldand press ENTER. Use theLEFT arrow key to set thedistance to 0.00, and pressENTER to confirm.The old coordinates will bereplaced by your presentposition if you have avalid 2D or 3D positionfix.WaypointNameReferenceWaypointDistance fromReferenceWaypointPositionCoordinatesBearing fromReferenceWaypointFunction PromptsWaypoint CommentWaypointSymbol