Screen ContrastThe GPS 126/128 has adjustable screen contrastcontrolled by an on-screen bar scale.To set the screen contrast from the Menu Page:1. Highlight the ‘contrast’ field, and press F.2. Adjust the bar scale to the desired contrast, andpress F.Note: The screen contrast can also be adjusted bypressing the rocker keypad while viewing the SatellitePage (see pg. 13).Screen Backlighting TimerThe screen backlight timer is adjustable for 15, 30,60, 120, or 240 seconds. The timer also may be set tothe “Stay On” setting for continuous use. Wheneverbacklighting is on, a bulb icon will appear on theSatellite Page.To set the backlight timer:1. Highlight the ‘light’ field, and press F.2. Select the desired setting, and press F.3. To turn lighting on and off, press the P briefly.Navigation SetupThe navigation setup submenu page is used toselect units of measurement for position formats, mapdatums, CDI scale, units, and heading information.Position FormatsThe default position format for the GPS 126/128 islatitude and longitude in degrees and minutes(hdddºmm.mmm’). You may also select degrees, min-utes and seconds (hdddºmm’ss.s’’); degrees only(hddd.dddddº); UTM/UPS coordinates; or British,German, Irish, Maidenhead, Swedish, Swiss, or Taiwan,or User grid formats.To select a position format:1. Highlight the ‘position format’ field, and press F.Select the desired setting, and press F.47REFERENCEScreen Contrast& BacklightingThe position format maybe set to display yourchoice of many formats.Note: degree and minutesis the default setting.The “Stay On” setting willkeep your backlighting oncontinuously.