Receiver Status and EPEReceiver status is indicated at the top left of thepage, with the current horizontal accuracy (EPE, esti-mated position error, in feet or meters) at the top right.The status will be shown as one of the following condi-tions:Searching— the GPS 126/128 is looking for anyavailable satellites in view.AutoLocate— the GPS 126/128 is initializing andcollecting new almanac data. This process can take5 minutes, depending on the satellites currently inview.Acquiring— the receiver is collecting data fromavailable satellites, but has not collected enoughdata to calculate a 2D fix.2D Navigation— at least three satellites withgood geometry have been locked onto and a 2-dimensional position fix (latitude and longitude) isbeing calculated. ‘2D Diff’ will appear when you arereceiving DGPS corrections in 2D mode.3D Navigation— at least four satellites with goodgeometry have been locked onto, and your positionis now being calculated in latitude, longitude andaltitude. ‘3D Diff’ will appear when you are receivingDGPS corrections in 3D mode.Poor GPS Coverage— the receiver isn’t trackingenough satellites for a 2D or 3D fix.Not Usable— the receiver is unusable, possiblydue to abnormal satellite conditions. Turn the unitoff and back on to reset, and reinitialize the receiv-er if necessary.Simulator— the receiver is in simulator mode.Screen BacklightingThe GPS 126/128 feature illuminates the screendisplay for a user-defined interval (the default is 15 sec-onds). There are three stages of backlighting. Whenbacklighting is on, a bulb icon will appear at the bot-tom left of the sky view. To adjust the duration ofscreen backlighting, refer to the system setup section(see page 47).Note: A bulb icon will appear on the Satellite Pagewhen backlighting is on.15The signal strength bars atthe bottom of the page willnot appear until the GPS126/128 has found thesatellites indicated at thebottom of the screen.REFERENCEReceiver Status& ScreenBacklightingWhen backlighting is on, abulb icon will appear onthe Satellite Page.Use the icon to determineif backlighting is turnedon during daylight hours.