Route Definition PageThe bottom of the route definition page features‘function’ fields which let you copy, clear, invert, oractivate the displayed route. Routes 1-19 are used asstorage routes, with route 0 always serving as the activeroute you are navigating. If you want to save a routethat’s currently in route 0, be sure to copy it to anotheropen route or it will be overwritten by the next routeactivation.Routes can be copied, cleared, inverted, and acti-vated through the route definition page.To select the route definition page:1. Highlight ‘ROUTES’ from the Menu Page, and pressF.The ‘route number’ field is displayed at the top ofthe page, with a 16-character ‘user comment’ field tothe right. If no user comment is entered, the field dis-plays the first and last waypoint in the route. The way-point list on the left side of the page accepts up to 30waypoints for each route, with fields for desired trackand distance between legs. The total route distance isindicated below the waypoint list.29Routes enable you to storeand use groups of fre-quently used waypointstogether.REFERENCERoute DefinitionPageEnter each waypoint inthe order you would like tonavigate the list. If youenter a waypoint notstored in memory, you’llneed to define the positionon the waypoint definitionpage.CommentFieldDesiredTrack of LegTotalDistanceRouteNumberCopy FieldFunction PromptsLeg Distance