Selecting a GOTO DestinationThe GPS 126/128 provides four ways to navigate toa destination: GOTO, MOB, TracBack, and route navi-gation. The most basic method of selecting a destina-tion is the GOTO function, which lets you choose anystored waypoint as the destination and quickly sets adirect course from your present position.To activate the GOTO function:1. Press G.2. Select the waypoint you want to navigate to, andpress F.Once a GOTO waypoint has been activated, theCompass Page or Highway Page will provide steeringguidance to the destination until either the GOTO iscancelled or the unit has resumed navigating the activeroute (see pg 30).To cancel an active GOTO:1. Press the G key.2. Highlight ‘CANCEL GOTO?’, and press F.Man Overboard FunctionThe GPS 126/128’s man overboard function (MOB)lets you simultaneously mark and set a course to aposition for quick response to passing positions.To activate the MOB mode:1. Press the B key.2. Press F to begin MOB navigation.The GPS126/128 will now guide you to the MOBwaypoint until the MOB GOTO is cancelled. If youwant to save the MOB waypoint be sure to rename it.The MOB function will overwrite any previous MOBwaypoint when it is activated.25Select a destination way-point from the GOTOwaypoint list.REFERENCESelect a GOTO& MOBFunctionOnce the MOB mode hasbeen activated, steeringguidance will be providedby the Compass orHighway Page. Activatinganother MOB will over-write the previous MOBwaypoint.